How do I get my gear?


We are incorporating CDC and local Health Department guidelines to keep our guests and employees safe. In addition, we are committed to the following:
Employees will wear face coverings and practice physical distancing protocols whenever possible.
All rental equipment will be sanitized prior to each usage. Our vehicles and physical locations will be thoroughly and frequently disinfected.
We’ve added limited and contact free fitting options to ensure maximum safety and peace of mind for both our guests and employees.
The procedures outlined below are designed to safeguard the health and safety of our guests and employees while providing the excellent customer service and outstanding ski and snowboard equipment that Black Tie is known for.
Other Important Notes:
We also understand the difficulty making decisions during these uncertain times and want you to feel confident in reserving your rental equipment. Black Tie will give a full refund to any guest who cancels their reservation more than 48 hours in advance. Guests who need to adjust their reservations within 48 hours, please reach out to the location you booked with directly.
We remain committed to delivering the same high quality of service, while doing our part to keep our guests, employees, and communities safe. We can’t wait to see you on the slopes!
Have questions about renting with us? Fill in the form below or contact us at
866.360.6433 and we will get back within two business days.